- Technologies
- Firing Systems
- Firing Systems
Firing Systems
BHI_FW offers proprietary burner designs for:
- Wall, or Horizontally fired boilers
- Arch, or Down fired boilers and
- Tangential boilers
BHI_FW wall fired burners are designed to be inherently robust and reliable:
- Few moving parts but limitless adjustability
- Are often coupled with dual zone Overfire Air Ports for further NOx abatement
BHI_FW arch fired burners are designed specifically for low reactivity coals:
- Full furnace penetration for maximum retention times
- Adjustable venting into Overfire Air Ports controls combustion and provides NOx abatement
BHI_FW tangential burner retrofits optimize heat rate with low emissions:
- Overfire air additions reduce boiler exit NOx by over 60%
- Redesigned windbox components maintain flame stability and mixing with less secondary air
- Proprietary nozzle tip designs offer long service life