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The World Leader inEnergy Plant TechnologyWe provide the best quality energy equipment with the best engineering and services.

  • Services
  • Low NOx Solutions

Low NOx Solutions

Separated Overfire Air Systems – Decades of Proven Results

Regardless of your final objective, the use of separated overfire air (SOFA) systems remain the most cost effective way to reduce boiler outlet NOx.

On wall fired boilers, when coupled with low NOx burners, SOFA systems generally provide an additional 20% drop in NOx, with overall reductions in NOx being greater than 50% from baseline. On tangential boilers a well designed SOFA system, when coupled with a re-sized main windbox, will deliver up to a 70% reduction in boiler exit NOx.

On a pound for pound basis, these systems are normally about 10 times more cost effective than other systems and even provide the benefit of reducing the capital and operating costs of catalytic reactors when used in tandem.

BHI-FW has the experience, and the expertise
  • Successfully added low NOx firing to over 70 tangential boilers firing a variety of different coals
  • Successfully added low NOx firing to over 50 wall boilers firing a variety of different coals
  • Applies low NOx separated overfire air firing on arch boilers as a standard practice
  • Uses proprietary, long service life nozzle designs on tangential retrofits
  • Applies a robust wall burner design with unparalleled reliability and a high degree of control flexibility
  • A special arch boiler firing system maximizes use of the combustion chamber for enhance NOx control
